
Apr 1, 2022

April 2022: Latest NGI News

Soccer Facility

A First with ProBounce

The City of Gautier in Mississippi recently unveiled a 25-acre soccer complex at a ribbon cutting ceremony in Jackson County. The Jackson Country Soccer Complex is believed to be the most advanced facility in Mississippi and features the only dedicated Futnet courts in the United States.

Futnet is a hybrid sport infusing aspects of football, tennis and volleyball, using volleyball rules on a tennis court. Players can use their head, feet, and knees for play with a rounded ball, kicking the ball over a net or rope. The game originated in what once was the Czechoslovakia area in the 1920’s. A small but growing game, Futnet is turning into a more recognizable worldwide sport.

Players, coaches, and parents alike love the addition of the Futnet courts to the Gautier facility. As well as bringing a whole new sport to the area, the courts also serve as a great training tool for athletes to sharpen their skills. Youth teams at the facility are currently using the courts for skills practice and pre-game warm-ups.

NGI’s ProBounce surface provides the benefit of allowing players to play the game with the true feel of each of the sports. In addition, the ProBounce surface also adds a cushion element to the courts which the athletes really appreciate.

Gautier’s Futnet courts were installed by American Tennis Courts out of Mobile, AL, an authorized licensee of NGI’s ProBounce surface.